Linux to the rescue

My flat mate’s VISTA decided to corrupt itself. Rather than telling her to bin it and get a new one I used an Ubuntu live CD to view the hard drive and burn a back up onto DVDs.

And I did that for free. The only expense was a blank CD for the boot disc and a few blank DVDs to back up to.

How much would that have cost the MiCroShit way? Don’t even try to guess…….


Crazy impulse buy

I just bought a media centre with a 1TB HDD and an external dvd usb player today.

How could I not? It was reduced by a penny!

Secret Cinema

Idea is you pay for a cinema ticket for a screening that you have no clue as to what it is.

If you like film and you love the whole experience of being excited at what you see without hype spoiling it then this is for you.

Start of a crappy great week

So this week starting off crap. Rain, rain and more rain. Stuck in the office well past everyone else. District line suspended. More rain. FUCK!!

2 days to go!!!

Only two days to go for maximum geekiness!

Ubuntu 9.04 released on Thursday.

Only question now is K or U.

Ultimate GEEK!!

Free Geekuin