December quick check in

Haven’t been blogging here for a while because I much prefer Twitter…. sorry. Will try and summarise stuff every now and again though.


I have been drawn mercilessly into Spotify in the past few months. Even linking it with my facebook and friends. Tweeting songs that I listen to and having play lists passed to me. I even have a premium membership. I can use it on my phone, across clients on multiple computer and everything is sync’d pretty seamlessly. There is even a native Linux client now. I love it.

I’ve been listening less and less to my hard cash of mp3s. Haven’t even turned it on for that matter in a long time. I am in a quandary. I like having my music readily accessible to me when I want it. The problem now is that so much of my life is spent online that readily accessible means online now and now longer under my desk on my external hard drive.

The only problem is that there are some rare songs that I know Spotify doesn’t have. But is this a big problem?

In every other thing I am a big fan of cloud computing and the amazingness of it all. But this means giving up ultimate control of my music. And it really is my music. I don’t know I will have to think this through….. stay tuned.


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