Postcards From The Edge
After a year long read I’ve finally finished Postcards From The Edge by Carrie Fisher.

After a year long read I’ve finally finished Postcards From The Edge by Carrie Fisher.
I usually flip flop between Ireland and the U.K. for Christmas holidays. This year is Ireland’s turn.
A little late but here is my write up on Droidcon London 2017!
Hello! I’ve been away a while but I’m back!
For the past few weeks I’ve been taking a brief detour into the Transitions framework in Android. I’ve building a success screen that initially shows a full screen image and text and later transitions into a summary of your transaction.
This post documents some of the things I’ve learned whilst working on this.
I’ve spent the last few weeks wrestling with Ruby and making some site changes to my blog. It’s been enjoyable. I’ve learned more about Ruby and more about responsive images on the web. I still don’t like Ruby, but at least now I have made my peace with it.
A week after coming back from snowboarding I felt a little nostalgic for all the yummy food I had been missing.