
This weekend is the diamond jubilee for the Queen. Here’s a selection of pictures from the day.

Pimm’s O’Clock!

It was a really rainy day right from the start. Not enough to put people off, but enough for you to get a bit wet.

As such we decided to drown ourselves in alcohol instead. I mean if we are going to get wet, then we might as well be pissed.

People waiting for the flotilla to attack

There was a bizarre boat procession along the Thames. I swear they were practising an attack of some kind.

She’s so British
Watching the events in a pub by the river
Morris dancers (crazies)
Wii and cocktails were much better
Wii boxing

After watching the main bits of the ceremony, we decided to head back and play Wii sports instead. Luckily shops were open so we picked up some rum and vodka and continued to celebrate. Quite a fun day!


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