New blog name
I’m thinking about changing the name of my blog. Big move - maybe? But I’m pretty sure I can do that with the Blogger engine. I guess the only thing to worry about is updating people’s links. But no one reads this blog anyway so what’s the problem?

What prompted this decision is the discovery of another tech blog with pretty much the same name! And this dude posts a lot more than me. So screw it I’ll change. I was thinking something snappy and fun with my name in it. Something like: the middle tier (yes that is sad and yes I do work in middleware). But I also blog about random stuff. Film, music, cooking etc etc.
So I’m in search of a name. This will be my public facing blog. Something pun based would be good.
I could continue the Monkey Island references and go with: el pollo diablo! Actually that does sound good. But I will have to check that doesn’t clash with someone else’s blog.
Maybe: a life less ordinary after my favourite song? Sounds kinda wet though? Actually I still like it.
Who knows … Ill give it some thought.