Time to put my powers to good use
But first….. I need to get some powers.

I’m going to go all out and build an Android app and make it open source. To do this I need to be able to do the following:
- Program Java (since Android is based upon this excellent and ubiquitous language)
- Program Android (based on, but with extensions!)
- Install the Android SDK (Software Development Kit)
- Install an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Hook up with some sort of online source control tool to keep track of what I’m building
- Hook up with some sort of online bug tracking tool to address the bugs that will eventually come through
- Create an Android Developer account so I can publish my work on the Android Marketplace
Here is what is stopping me:
- I can’t program Java :(
- Thus I can’t Android :(
- The Android SDK is for 32 bit processors. I run a 64 bit system :(
- My IDE of choice Eclipse has troubles with OpenJDK thus I must use the Sun version. I have no issues against that, but Sun (now SnOracle) don’t do a 64 bit version of their JDK :(
Frustrating indeed. I can run 32 bit applications but I vowed not to customise my system in order for this to happen since I wanted to test how easy Ubuntu is out-of-the-box. All these frustrations would be overcome by a web based GUI type editor for Android. If only such a thing existed….. Oh wait, it does!!
Again, this isn’t open to the public yet. I have signed up (twice) and am still waiting on an invite to appear so I can get started. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!